The Chippewa Yacht Club is a members only website Incorporated 1895

Dick Wright Passing

It is with a heavy heart that we tell you our father, Dick Wright, died on Monday September 5, 2022. He was 90 years old and lived a long, full, and wonderful life. A huge part of it was Chippewa Bay. Here he met his first wife, our mother. Here he made lifelong friends, marveled at the bird life, reveled in an early morning canoe, and always had a list of projects as long as your arm. He loved the river and this little community.

We will have a celebration of our father’s life at 5pm, June 17th on Brush Island—the place he loved the most. We hope to see you there. More details to follow. 

Richard Taliaferro Wright Obituary

Richard Taliaferro Wright 1932 - 2022

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